No crafting today - my back is agony atm despite the painkillers (always does hurt, but this is off the end of the scale!) - yesterday I bent down to pick up some post and ... oh gosh, here we go again. I'm having to waddle across the room. Sitting is the most comfortable position - might try a bit of gentle crafting to try to divert my attention away from the pain.
And today has been lovely and sunny and I couldn't even get over the step to go into the garden to enjoy the late summer sunshine.
Sorry, shouldn't really moan.
Think I'll make a crafty list of things to do - you never know, I might get inspiration for what to do next when I feel like it.
Another little moan (while I'm at it - lol!) - sitemeter has upgraded it's site and now I can't get into it. I've found my username, but tried every possible password I can think of and can't get into my statistics. When I click on the forgotten password link, I'm told that an email has been sent, but I haven't got it. So now I don't know how many hits I've had - I'd already said that I'll do some blog candy when I get to 20,000 hits - I think the last time I looked it was about 19,600, so in the end I might have to guess it - so watch this space - blog candy coming soon!