
Friday, 28 September 2007

Zigzag cards

The last couple of days I've been sorting out what I've got ready for the sale tomorrow. I found that I'd got more unfinished symphonies than Schubert - many more! I had lots of tags that I'd prepared ready to put on cards, but never had - so I've now got 32 more cards, having made these up.

I found up these little zigzag cards and thought I'd do something with them, so, a few blooms and bits and here they are (photos are terrible, it's so dull and rainy, which doesn't account for me chopping the tops of some of the cards - they do all go to a point at the top):

I'm having to be very careful today because I was in severe pain again last night with my back - there seems to be another area that's caved in a bit more, so I think there's possibly another vertebra fractured - there's not much I can do about preventing them, other than wrap myself in cottonwool! I even have to ask John to pick things up from the floor if I drop them - he's so good, bless him.


  1. WOW youve been busy these are very pretty!
    Sorry to hear about your back.

  2. Great zig zag cards Hazel. Sorry to hear about your back - take care.

  3. Great cards Hazel. Take it essy.

  4. sorry you've been suffering Hazel :(

    am loving the shape of these cards though, think I may have to pinch that idea!


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