
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Suzie's 365 day 52: sky high

As soon as I saw what the photo prompt for Suzie's day 52 was on Tuesday I knew what I wanted to capture - and I knew that we would be going up to Guy's hospital today for an appointment for John.

We've been regularly going backwards and forwards to Guy's for years, so we have seen The Shard develop over many months (when I say 'we' it's just me that can see it). It is now nearing completion and stands 310 m (1,017 ft) tall.

So I took my camera with me this morning and managed to get a few shots of this amazing building - to be honest I had to take the photos very quickly because we needed to get to the hospital on time, so I took the first one on the way in and the next two as we were walking back to London Bridge station and we didn't have any time to hang around, so it was just a question of point the camera and click.

Just before Christmas they took down the footbridge that used to connect London Bridge station to access to Guy's Hospital, so now it means that we have to go down to The Vaults and walk along to the hospital which takes us much more time. The old footbridge is going to be replaced with a new lift and escalators, I think by the end of May, so we look forward to that.


  1. Wow- that really is sky high. Hope the new bridge/lift gets completed soon.

  2. Oooh looks amazing Hazel! Can't wait to see it finished!


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