
Sunday 18 January 2009

Encouraged award

GezzyB received another award and has kindly passed it on to others, including me - thank you, Gez.

These are the conditions:

In order to get this award you need to:1). Post a link of the person who gave you this award.2). Nominate 5 other people and give a link to their sites3). Let your nominators know that they got an award from you.4). Put a logo of the award on the blog.

It is always so hard to choose just 5 people - and I hope that the many that I don't choose will receive this award from someone else.

So, here goes - I'll pass it on to just 5 of my blogging friends, but would like to say that I am so encouraged by all those who take time to come and visit here and to leave comments - always much appreciated.


If you've never visited these blogs before, please do so - you'll be in for a delectable crafting treat!

Thanks, once again, Gez, for thinking of me.


  1. Aw, thank you so much Hazel, the feeling is mutual :))

  2. Thank you so so much Hazel, I really am touched XXX

  3. oh thank you Hazel, you're so kind and a great inspiration to others yourself.

  4. Hazel! I just remembered that you sent me a note about this award! Thank you so much, that is very kind!! I'll post something about this on my blog this week!!



Your comments are very much appreciated