As Kimberly is on maternity leave it is Lythan's turn to do a challenge. You can find out the latest here. Kim we miss you. Actually I think the rest of the group decided just how much they missed you when I posted this challenge.
I thought it would be a decently tough challenge but I honestly hadn't realised how much. Although the denomination I am part of (United Reformed Church) doesn't make a huge deal out of Lent, it is part of our cycle of the Church year. I took it for granted that all denominations use the various elements of the Church year as a hook to hang certain ideas of discipleship. So I have learnt something new. Its actually been a good experience as we have reflected why we think Lent is or isn't important for faith. Although I promise to give a simpler theme next time. Something like transubstantiation maybe. Kidding, just kidding.
For those who want to learn more about Lent - look here for a brief summary
Here are our attempts to express our views of Lent creatively. We pray that our challenges are a blessing to you and ask that if you'd like to create a "Lent" themed project to leave a comment, with a link back to your gallery or blog, so that we might share with you!
Please take a look at Salt
For those who want to learn more about Lent - look here for a brief summary
Here are our attempts to express our views of Lent creatively. We pray that our challenges are a blessing to you and ask that if you'd like to create a "Lent" themed project to leave a comment, with a link back to your gallery or blog, so that we might share with you!
Please take a look at Salt

My LO started with thoughts of the traditional 'giving up' for Lent - something I've never done really and it got me thinking of areas of life that need to be put at the foot of the cross and left there, living life in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, who wants us to produce the fruit of love, joy, peace etc. So the flames at the bottom represent the fire of the Holy Spirit. The song in the box at the top left is Marilyn Baker's beautiful composition 'Jesus, You are changing me', which seemed apt for the concept behind the LO.
The background paper is 'Flowing with faith' by Be Blessed.
Thank you, Lythan, for making us think through this topic - even those of us who perhaps normally pay little attention to observing Lent.