I've used some white vellum with red flowers which now looks pink because it is mounted on to a red card.
I love robins on Christmas cards and this is for Alphabet B for birds.

Tanda teaser 158: funky feathers (I hope a robin's feathers are 'funky' enough!)
Crazy4challenges 62: square cards
Quixotic: Christmas is coming
One stitch at a time 37: 'Christmas traditional or modern
Critter 38: Christmas
Little red wagon 53: use the colour red
ECP 25: red
No time to stamp 163: 'tis the season for clean and simple
Craft your passion 30: anything goes
Incy wincy 66: anything goes
Lexi's creations 26: anything goes
Freshly brewed: anything goes
Fairytale: everything goes