Edit: Thanks for all your interesting comments - this will be kept open until 23:00 Monday 7 January and then a name will be drawn for the blog candy. Please keep the comments coming!
As this post will be kept at the top until drawing the name for the blog candy, please scroll down to see my latest posts - thanks
Happy New Year
Well, I've now gone past 10,000 hits since I had a site meter in April (started my blog the previous month). I want to thank everyone who pops in and leaves comments - much appreciated. I've made many cyber friends during the time I've had a blog, as well as many crafting forum buddies.
The past year has been a difficult one for us in many ways, but as this is a crafty outlook I'll not dwell on any of that.
This blog candy is up for grabs (names will go in the hat and John will pick a winner):

To be in with a chance of winning the blog candy, please leave a comment on this thread, telling me what was your best craft purchase during 2007 and what was your worst.
I'll leave this post at the top for the next seven days (that's why the date on it is 7 January, whereas I'm actually posting it on New Year's Day).
I'll start the ball rolling by saying that I think my craft robo was my best purchase. As for the worst? That's a difficult one, because sometimes I get carried away and buy something and then have it waiting around in the cupboard for ages, wondering why I ever bought it! Although I do tend to use most of what I buy at some stage.
I think the worst craft purchase during 2007 has to be the little cuttlebug embossing folders - the ones that come in sets of four - it's not that I don't like them, but their use seems to be limited, whereas the bigger embossing folders are very versatile. Perhaps I ought to start another thread where you can show me what you've done with the little folders, so that I'm inspired to actually use them instead of them just lurking around in a box.