Recently, I bought some more UTEE and some dyes and thought I would have a go at using the melting pot again. In fact, I was due to go to a meet up of some of UKStampers at the Craft Barn on the day that John was admitted to hospital - and there was a class on using the melting pot, but I never got there.
Some of the lubbly bubbly folk on BF make some fab things and show and put instructions on Bubbly Scrumptious. So far there have been two challenges and I've never joined in.
I thought I'd look at No. 3, with the determination this time to join in ... which was when my heart nearly sank because the topic is 'jewellery' - you can read about it here - and I'm certainly no jewellery maker - the only beads I've ever managed to use have been on cards (and those not very successfully).
So I thought about my melting pot and got out some 'Deep Image' extra thick embossing crystals 'mermaid', put some in the pot and melted - poured into a vague shape and placed a large stamp over it so that it got some of the impression (the stamp is Funstamps paisley background). I made the hole with my 'bigbite' and swiped some Brilliance Galaxy Gold ink over the shape. There's no way that I'm clever enough to make a chain, so I've just put it on to one that I already have.