
Thursday 4 December 2008

BF Advent 4

Here's what I got today: chippie flowers and shapes:

Thank you, secret Santa.


Today's challenge is to make a gift box and tag. Sue gave instructions for making the box.

I've got no idea what the paper is - it was just sitting in my rack ready for a rainy day. The embellishments are all Craft House.

Salt: God is good

This time it was Kimberly's turn to choose the topic for the Salt challenge 'God is good' and you can read what she wrote here.

I've based my LO around the song: 'God is good, we sing and shout it'. The papers I've used are some I've had for quite a while and can't remember where they were from.

The dancer was clipart which I printed on to the paper, which already had the clocks on.

I made a mistake with the title, but didn't have any more paper like it to be able to do it again, so I've let it stand. The word 'TIME' is meant to be further over (and I thought it was when it was on the screen, but it obviously wasn't, because this is how it printed).

You can read the journalling better if you click on the picture to enlarge it:

Do pop along to Salt and have a look at the wonderful artwork of the others and, don't forget, we would love to see your contributions.