When I considered the story of Jonah and the topic of 'imperfection' I thought of the lovely song by Marilyn Baker 'Jesus, you are changing me ...' (you can read the words of the song if you click on the photo) and the verse from Isaiah 64:8 'O Lord you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.'
When a potter works with clay he has to get rid of the imperfections, otherwise the finished product won't be usable. God the Father is at work with us, moulding our lives to rid us of our imperfections - He still has a lot of work to do on me because I know only too well that I am far from being perfect. But I am nevertheless encouraged that I am like the clay in the potter's hands and my Father is gradually making me into the person he wants me to be. The trouble is that my 'own way' can hinder this process because of all my imperfections.
Papers used for my LO are Dreamstreet 'simply stated' - 'grapevine gossip', 'elegant expressions' and 'straight talk'; also My Mind's Eye Andrea Victoria 'petals'.

John is now home from hospital - thanks for all the good wishes. He has very limited mobility, but we are managing.