I used a Funstamps stamp which is actually a larger design than this, thus cutting it down to ATC size. I printed on white linen card with Marvy Heritage old gold and coloured with Inktense pencils. For the daffodil I blended with a water brush, but for the background I deliberately left it without waterbrushing, so it has a bit of a canvas look about it.
I decided to put glossy accents on the stamens, but confess that on the one on the right a bit more blobbed out than intended, so it's not as good as the other one, but am afraid that as time is running out I'm going to leave it like that. It's still actually wet atm, so, hopefully, when it dries it won't look quite so blobby! And I hope it doesn't take too long to dry because I need to get these in the post to meet the deadline.