HS:MS:HS today: 'This Saturday I’d like to try and make our SPS shots just a little bit more interesting - so who's going to play? What I would like you to do is post a favourite childhood photo of yourself, but one that has a little story behind it. Not looking for an essay, just a few lines about the memories that the photo brings. Can you do that?'
This is me as a bridesmaid in November 1954 (I was seven). Mum decided that I should have my hair cut and home permed especially for the occasion, but she was never much good at doing hair, particularly anything to do with perming! - hence the fuzzy look (after lots of brushing).
There were six bridesmaids altogether - three adult and three children.
My dress was white with a silvery pattern on it. I remember thinking that the gloves were so posh and the horseshoe of anenome flowers was beautiful (doesn't show in the old black and white photo).