Now, get your camera, take the picture (no editing), and post the picture in the next 10 minutes.'
Well, as I often take part in Julia's WOYWW on Wednesdays, I'm no stranger to doing something like this. If you've not come across WOYWW, then do visit Julia's blog on Wednesday - have a nose and join in - I can tell you, it's addictive!
I haven't done any crafting today. We went to church this morning and this afternoon I've been lounging in the garden, reading.
So what you see here is how I left things after doing some crafting yesterday. Those of you who quite often see my workspace on WOYWW will know that I like to tidy up and put things away in between crafting sessions, so I'm often told that my area is far too tidy - I didn't put things away last night, so I'll leave you to decide.

PS - since I did this yesterday I've cleared up and you can see the update results here.