No actual crafting going on atm - I've been writing Christmas cards - you can see a pile that's been done in the second picture - in fact, there's another pile behind that - think I've done about 80 so far. As you can see, I have little labels all over the place - believe it or not, they are in groups according to family etc (I know it doesn't look like it!). I'm a cheap skate, so I don't buy special labels - just print out sheets with addresses as if they are labels, cut them up and stick them using my good old ATG gun. And it also means that I have a ready list on computer - just update when it comes to the next year.
I've actually got some crafting to show, but haven't yet got round to blogging it - perhaps later today.

And this is the view if I swing round to the window - brrrrrrrrrrrrr:

Thanks to everyone who visits me and leaves comments - much appreciated - I seem to fail miserbly at hopping around the WOYWW blogs - I do try, but never seem to be able to get to all of them.
And by the way, thanks for all those who have become followers of my new Christmas challenge blog. I did the draw for the candy very early this morning and have posted the winner. There is going to be more candy very soon - as a thank you for so many people joining in so far - so check back to my Christmas blog in the next day or two and please join in.
PS Just come back to change the title of this post - for some reason I originally put 71 instead of 77!