
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Fan-tastic Tuesday 56: anything goes with a twist: wings

This is my design card for today's Fan-tastic Tuesday 56: wings. Please click on the link to see the lovely crafting of the rest of the team and join in the fun.

I used Sparkle n sprinkle enchanted slumber fairy coloured digitally using Microsoft Paint.Papers are all offcuts of some remaining pieces of tutti frutti from Craftwork Cards some years ago, with the addition of some ribbon and blooms from Hobbycraft.

This is also for:

Pixie's snippets 145
Whoopsi Daisy: things with wings
Emerald faeries 60: things with wings
Sparkles 60: things with wings
Digitally sweet 108: lots of flowers
Eclectic ellapu October: flowers
Creatalicious 67: flower power
Di's digi designs: girly
Paradise of stamps 3: girly
The pink elephant 271: pink
Fussy & fancy 124: lots of pink
The crafting cafe October: think pink
Dragonfly dreams 10: mainly pink
Miriam's crafting 17: shades of pink
Karleigh Sue 1: pink ribbon
Through the craftroom door: anything goes
Paper makeup digi makeover 161: anything goes
Papertake: anything goes
Anything goes with a twist 1: anything goes
Little tangles 46: anything goes
Sister act 77
My craft creations: anything goes
Crafting by designs: October anything goes
DL.ART October linky