It's Wednesday again and time to show our workdesks and have a good snoop at others. If you don't know what I'm on about then hop over to Julia's blog and have a look at
WOYWW 93 - and join in.
As I'm selling cards at our WEF at church Friday evening (and out most of the day tomorrow) I need to concentrate today on making as many cards as possible - that was the plan, until I remembered last night that I haven't done my Salt LO yet for tomorrow's challenge, which is my topic this time - two members of the team have theirs on the blog already and I haven't and I'm the one who chose the theme. So that's got to be first priority when I've finished this.
My workspace is organised, ready for doing as much as possible today. On the left you can see boxes of cards all ready (I did manage to bag up the piles I showed last Wednesday - such a boring, but necessary, job). Beside that you can see a box that includes lots of Easter stuff and then there's a pile of offcuts and bits that haven't yet found their way to my offcuts box - hoping to reduce this pile a bit today.

Looking to the right of me, I have a box of inserts and a couple of boxes of envies at the ready so I have no excuse not to complete the cards I make today.

And there are some stamps lurking up the corner - they need cleaning, but they will have to wait. And you can see some cards that need finishing off.

And today I'm also showing the windowill that is housing boxes that have stuff at the ready - including the purple box that contains all the cello bags - so no excuse for not finishing off bagging up what I make today. In the bottom corner you can just see the top of my paper bag that's sellotaped to the top of my trolley - it's handy for all those little bits of paper that need to go into the recycling bin.

So now I need to get on first with my Salt LO and then with more cards. So, if anyone sees me in blogland, please kick me off - gently though because my back is playing up atm.
Thanks for any comments that you leave me - I feel I am a bad WOYWWer because I just can't spend time atm getting round the blogs - hope you understand.
And when Friday evening's over, I have an 'at home' sale day for Tearfund on Saturday 26 March - which reminds me that's another job that needs doing today - to make and print the invites and send out a block email to friends. I'd better get on ....