
Wednesday 5 September 2012


We're off on our hols today, so there's nothing going on here now except getting together some crafting to take with me - well you never know if we might get a rainy day and there's always evenings to craft while the TV is on in the background.

All that's left on my desk is my techie stuff - little laptop, iPad synching with my PC, etc etc ready for taking with me. Sorry about the strange angle of the photo, but no time for messing around tonight (should be in bed - got a lot to do tomorrow before we go ... like packing!!)

Why am I showing this? Well, it's for WOYWW 170 - follow the link and enjoy snooping on lots of craftrooms and join in the fun.

Two or three weeks ago I mentioned that I'd received some PanPastels as a prize and a few WOYWWers have asked me how I've got on with them. Well, until Monday, I hadn't actually tried them and when I did I was limited for time, so my first attempt is very basic. I used the orange and yellow that I'd received with one of the sponges to create a sunset sky on this card - you can read more about it here.