Wednesday has come round again with lightning speed, so it's time for WOYWW - do go along to
Julia's lovely blog and have a nose at lots of people's workspaces - I love seeing them, but apologise to others that, unless I find some more hours in the day, I probably won't get round to looking because I need to concentrate on other things, as you will see.
Firstly, last Wednesday I showed a photo of a pile of 12 x 12 papers that needed sorting - quite often they get put back into the trays as they are, which, of course, makes it difficult to find what I need, hence a whole lot being out on the workspace. Tbh I like everything to be organised and labelled - and most things in my craft room are - so I decided to take the whole lot of paper out of the racks and sort and label. I've tried various ways of grouping papers, but find that mainly sorting by manufacturer works best because I then can tend to picture what papers I have more easily. I've also created catagories such as Christmas, ladies, men, scenes, wording ... those papers that tend to be used for a special purpose.
Someone last week asked where I got the trys - they came from Artymiss quite some time ago - probably two or three years - since then they have been taken over by the Craft Barn and I can't see the trays in their products. As you can see, I'm running out of paper space, so, if anyone knows a stockist for these trays, please let me know. Btw, the top tray is empty but usually houses a few miscellaneous things that haven't been put back yet!

I'll be selling cards on Friday week for charity at our Women's Evening Fellowship at church, so I need to get on and get ready for that. As you can see here, I've got a lot of cards that need labelling, inserts, envies, bagging ... You can't see many of the A6 ones because they've slid down inside the box, but there are quite a lot there to be done. Like other crafters, I love making the cards, but am not keen on doing all the other bits. So, I've cleared the decks and my first task today (perhaps I should say 'this afternoon' because somehow someone has stolen the morning!) is to get on with preparing these for sale, which is why, in the second photo under this you can see the boxes of inserts and envies.

Once I've done all this, I need to get on and make more cards to fill the gaps in my boxes which live on shelves in my bedroom wardrobe because I don't have room in here! So that will be the next task, to get the boxes out, slot these cards in and see what I need to make.
If you scroll up a post to
here you'll find my update for WOYWW - all cards now have inserts, labels, bagged and sorted - that feels better!