
Thursday 4 September 2008

Blog candy

I'm hoping to get organised soon to offer some blog candy to celebrate 20,000 hits (I've gone past the 19,000 now - amazing! - and I didn't even have a counter when I first started the blog). Thanks to everyone who leaves me comments - much appreciated.

I visit so many super crafty blogs that the list would be too great to have as links, but I thought I'd give a mention to Adele, who is offering some blog candy atm

Two more birthday cards

When I got home yesterday there were two more gorgeous birthday cards waiting for me - I've added them to the slideshow that I showed on 21 August, but wanted to show them here so they didn't get lost in the mists of time!

From Leigh on JB:

From Nikki (Tink) on JB:

HS:MS enter

Today on HS:MS: 'To come or go into a place. Show us 'enter' in your space today.'

I was going to show the enter key on my laptop, but then I remembered that John has large print letters on his, including the wording for various keys, so here is my 'enter':