Thank you, Gez, for the lovely things you said.
And these are the conditions:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
Gez said she found it easy to nominate - I'm not finding it quite so easy, not because I can't think of enough fab talented people to award, but because throughout my time of being involved in craft forums and visiting blogs, I've got to know so many extremely creative crafters.
In the end, I've selected five people who have become dear crafting friends, four of whom I've met in real life. I very much value their friendship and greatly admire their creativity.
If you've never visited their blogs I urge you to do so - you're in for a treat - their crafting is outstanding.
I feel these five girls deserve this award much more than I do, but feel honoured that Gez chose me - thank you.
Having just visited the blogs of these friends, I've discovered that Kathy has already been given this award, which means I can choose someone else in addition - another very talented lady, whose crafting I greatly admire and who, over the years, has become a good crafting forum buddy:
There are many more people I'd love to award, but I'll stick to the rules!!