This award came from Gez:

And this one was from Sue:

Both of these awards ask me to share five facts about myself, so I'm doubling up on this (because I can't think of ten!):
1. My middle name is Mary.
2. I love nuts (I was obviously given the right name!).
3. I love dark chocolate even more!
4. I don't think I'll use up all my craft stuff even if I live to 100 and craft everyday (but that won't stop me getting more).
5. I love purple, but very rarely wear it.
I hope you don't think I'm not bothering, but I know that lots of my blogging friends have already received these, but I'm sure that there's lots of you who haven't yet - so, please, take these awards with love from me and pass them on - oh, and don't forget to share some facts about yourself.
Don't forget: If you go to the top of my blog you will find the post about my celebration candy - you've got to be in it to win it!