We're now back home, having had a week away in Maidstone - only about 30 miles away, but an opportunity to get away from everyday life and 'chill' for a while - and we were so blessed with the weather - lots of really warm sunshine.
I took my little lappy with me and memory sticks with cards on that I intended to blog ... in the end I didn't do any of it - only the post about my Christmas challenge and that was already prepared before we went.
One thing I managed to get down just before we left home last Thursday was a LO for today's Salt challenge 'The Servant King' set by Lythan - you can read more about it here.
It's a very simple LO (it had to be because time was very short). I used the Servant King song by Graham Kendrick and a couple of download pictures mounted on torn paper.

From heaven you came
Helpless babe
Entered our world
Your glory veiled
Not to be served
But to serve
And give Your life
That we might live
This is our God
The Servant King
He calls us now
To follow Him
To bring our lives
As a daily offering
Of worship to
The Servant King
There in the garden
Of tears
My heavy load
He chose to bear
His heart with sorrow
Was torn
'Yet not My will
But Yours,' He said
Come see His hands
And His feet
The scars that speak
Of sacrifice
Hands that flung stars
Into space
To cruel nails
So let us learn
How to serve
And in our lives
Enthrone Him
Each other's needs
To prefer
For it is Christ
We're serving
© 1983 Kingsway’s Thankyou Music
I hope to be back soon with some cards that I made before we went away and I might also show a few crafty items that I happened to buy during the week.
Life is going to get back to normal very quickly as we are up at Guy's hospital tomorrow for an appointment for John and then on Tuesday he is having the op on his hand.