For the past year I've been involved in a Circle Journal group on the
Bubblyfunk forum - gosh, that year has gone so quickly ... and so it was time for my own CJ to return home and postie brought it this morning.
I am so delighted with it - thank you so much to all the girls who took part and made a DLO to make this journal so special.
I chose the topic 'If I could travel back in time .. I asked the group to think of a time in the past, either in your own ife that you would love to be able to relive, or in a time before that - perhaps an era when you would have liked to have been part of that scene.
You can see my original post
here showing the covers, etc for my CJ and explaining about it.
You can double click on the pictures to enlarge them.
Here is my DLO - I chose the 1920s:
Here are the DLOs done by members of the group:


Leigh's pages bought back memories for me - I was 13 in 1960 and so I was a teenager and into my 20s during the 60s - and, yes, I wore all the fashions - the bright colours, the mini skirts, the hot pants ... those were the days!
Di W:




Not only do I remember the 60s, but also the 50s, during which I grew up as a child. Although it was a time of 'new beginnings', it wasn't easy as rationing still existed in my early childhood and money was tight. However, I can remember at the age of about 11 or 12 wearing some of the full skirts with lots of bright pink netting underneath.




I will treasure this CJ.
I now have quite a lot of them and it's lovely to look through them from time to time.