Esther says: My inspiration came from a daily devotional page that my friend gave to me, it was very reassuring and talked of resting in God and waiting patiently in him Psalm 37:7, I will quote some of what it says "there are things you cant have today that you'll be able to have in the future. So it doesnt make sense to drive yourself crazy and put your life on hold struggling to accomplish something now that'll be easy when the time is right...." "God allows certain things to take place in our lives to teach us important principles...." "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans12:12 when you spend time in God's waiting room, He's developing qualities in you that simply can't be deceloped any other way.
When He's finished you will come out stronger and wiser..."
My LO is based on Psalm 37:7 'Be still before the Lord and wait patientlty for Him'. I've used the music score from Mendelssohn's Elijah 'O rest in the Lord' to highlight this.
The background paper is Imaginations Sonnets script translations (although you can now see very little script) - I've used a couple of ivy stamps randomly, some going over one another - to depict the busy-ness and sometimes confusions of life - as a contrast to the serenity of the candle picture, depicting rest in the Lord.