Saturday is SPS on HS:MS and ever since
Chris told us about the 'scrap your boobs' challenge on
It's a Creative World I've been trying to summon up courage to do this. I decided today is the day, so here is my LO:

In my enthusiasm for getting on and doing this (at last!) I completely forgot that Chris has been kindly supplying pink papers to be downloaded, so my LO doesn't include these.
So far I'm only submitting this as my HS:MS photo for today - partly because I'm not sure that I'm brave enough to submit it to It's a Creative World and partly because the light had faded by the time I'd finished it and there's evidence of the flash and the LO isn't as pink here as it is irl.
I'll decide tomorrow whether I'm brave enough to take a daylight photo and submit it to It's a Creative World - it's all in such a good cause, so I probably will.
HS:MS regulars - please excuse the poorness of the photo.