Firstly, thank you for all the birthday wishes that I've received, a well as cards and presents.
I had 39 cards (updated - got some more in the post Saturday).

These are from BF forum crafting friends:

including this virtual card:

These are from CBC forum crafting friends:

John gave me some lovely earrings:

and a couple of Funky Hand CD-roms:

I had some lovely stamps from mum:

Some toiletries:

Some M & S gift cards - they have been spent today - bought two skirts.
During this week I've also had RAK/birthday presents from crafting friends:

We had a lovely lunch at Cafe du Village (I was very good and had chicken and salad - and a glass of wine).

After we'd had lunch I had a bit of retail therapy (and John had necessary sit downs). I did happen to wander into Thorntons and bought a bag of their dark chocolate selection ... and ate them one by one until they were gone - well, I hadn't had any dessert in the restaurant, so I think I did well.
I visited the craft shop:

and HMV:

Thank you to everyone who has made my day such a special one, including, of course, John. We are both tired now.