My workspace lacks any crafting goodies today - I've been writing Christmas cards - hence the piles over to the right - have done just over 200 so far. On the left of the picture you'll see the two secret Santa presents that I've received - you can read about it further down on my blog.
To the extrene left is a box that contains more Christmas cards to be written ... and then I need to get on and make some more!! I haven't done much crafting in the last few days - trying to get all the cards written - but definitely need to get on - I've got some commissioned cards that need to be done first and then more Christmas cards for us - I'm glad of all the challenges around that are asking for Christmas cards because they spur me on - it's good to have a few sketches to save my brain thinking too much!

Don't forget: If you go to the top of my blog you will find the post about my celebration candy - you've got to be in it to win it! I've just noticed that I now have 100 followers, so I'll be adding something more to the blog candy.