
Friday 31 August 2012

Mini catch up for Suzie's 365 photos

I've just realised that I haven't blogged since Wednesday - I have made one or two cards, but can't show them yet.

Before I get further behind here is a mini catch up for Suzie's 365 photos.

Day 241: textured - a left over piece of lace after I'd made this card:

Day 242: slow - was going to go out and look for snails, but decided I'd show the setting for slow cooking instead:

Day 243: thriving - these little flowers were thriving among the pebbles on the beach at Eastbourne when we were there in May - amazing how they survivie:

Day 244: through a window - I took this picture recently at mum's when I was admiring the garden she looks on to:

I wonder what tomorrow's photo prompt will be!