During the last week there have been changes on what used to be Her space my space. With Kirsty stepping down, there is now a new team of Anita, SuzyB and Andrew and you can find them at
Her space my space his space. Since the new format, I haven't had a chance to join in.
Today we had a day in London with our son (well, my stepson) and his partner - we did some of the sights, so I've taken the opportunity to incorporate some photos as a catch up for HS:MS:HS, so here they are:
Starting with 'welcome' - this is the welcome that one gets at Buckingham Palace:

Next is 'sign' (of our times):

Three for SOS:



'Dip' - this is the nearest I could get (the daft thing is that I had a little bowl of tartare sauce to dip into at lunch time and didn't think to take a picture of that - it would have been more appropriate - nevermind):