There are many areas in life where self control is needed. When I was younger I was the typical stereotype redhead with a quick temper that sometimes let me down. James in the Bible warns of the danger that can be caused by the tongue and this is the basis of my LO for this theme. Self control is one of the fruit of the Spirit that Paul talks about in Galatians 5, so it isn't something that comes naturally to us, but is God-given.
For my LO I chose a simple white handmade paper 12 x 12 , using another one to print my journaling and the scripture verses.
You can read what I've written if you click on the image - and you will also be able to see that I used some delicate white flowers and leaves down the sides of the writing.

Unfortunately, during the year two of our DT on Salt have had to stand down and we are now looking for others to join us, so part of today's post is a call for DT members - please have a look and see whether you could consider joining us. I count it a real privilege to be part of the team of such talented Christian crafters.