Day 40 on 365 cards was: spring break - Pam said: ' For this card, I want to see you use the sun, sand, and surf to inspire you. I would love to be walking along the beach and looking out at the ocean, how about you?'
I've used 'British beach' paper at the bottom, but the rest of the card is made up of an advertising card that I received long ago and kept, wondering what to use it for. So I'm linking this card for two 'recycling' challenges this week:
The Pink Elephant challenge 11: 'Don't throw that away!" and Our Creative Corner: get ready to recycle.
This week's challenge on
Secret Crafter Saturday is 'create a scene', so I thought it would be good to include this ... looking forward to summer seaside scenes.
Created byhand challenge this week is 'colors blue and sand' - this card is good for that.
And, lastly, this card is good for
Everybody Art challenge 36: only one scrappaper, climate change (roll on summer) - and the only scrappaper I used is the piece of 'British Beach' at the base of the card.