Bah! humbug 38: 'across the miles'
Paper minutes 133: 'colour combination turquoise/red Christmas'
Creative Inspirations 80: 'Christmas in September'
Charisma cardz 39: 'Christmas crafting'
One stop craft 99: 'snowflakes in September'
Alphabet: 'W for wings' (the robin)
4 crafty chicks 5: 'crazy egg challenge - a chick - a bird of some kind'
Our daily bread 31: 'wing it'
Allsorts 71: 'plain and simple'
Craft your passion 25: 'clean and simple'
My partner in crafting crime 12: 'clean and simple'
One stitch at a time 32: 'as you like it - anything goes'
Incy wincy 61: 'I wonder what it could be? - anything goes'
Cutie stampers 75: 'anything goes'
Sew many challenges 29: 'anything goes'
You'll notice the GR on the post box - well this is vintage, so it's good for Alphabet: 'V for vintage'. I suppose the fact that I can remember GR post boxes makes me vintage too!!