Romans 8:28 is a familiar verse to most Christians, the main part quoted is usually 'all things work together for good'. For me, the opening of the verse is so important: 'and we know' - indicating absolute assurance in God as Father, knowing how to give good gifts to His children. There are times when it is humanly very difficult to see the 'good' in a situation, but we don't have the full picture. Also, of course, this promise is for those who 'are the called according to His purpose'.
I used K & Co Urban Rhapsody papers and a selection of ribbons, blooms and lettering, including letratag on the ribbons.

These Salt challenges are very precious to me and my journey of faith. I spent some time this morning reflecting on some of my responses to past challenges, being reminded of promises from scripture and thought provoking verses too.
Perhaps you would like to reflect on this verse from Romans and respond with some crafting - we'd love you to leave a comment on Salt with a link to your response so that we can come and look.