The next CJ should have been in the post yesterday, but I think I've been forgiven for not queuing at the PO on my birthday! I have to confess that my DLO had to be finished off today and it was only when I uploaded the photos that I realised how blurred the first one is, but it will have to do because the CJ is now done up ready for me to go to the PO in a short while. These were pages in Beckie's superb CJ (I hardly dared to touch it!) Beckie's title is 'Strokable Stash!' - we were asked to choose a fav paper and say why, and to include a picture of ourself. So here is mine, using BG 'Scarlet's Letter' papers.

ooo... I really like those colors together... and i wanted to say that I've enjoyed SALT so much... can't wait for the next prompt