When we got up this morning the weather seemed to be more promising. After breakfast we had a little walk along towards Southend - chose a turning to the left and came across Southchurch Park, bringing back memories of childhood - after a coffe, we went back to the seafront and caught a bus into the centre of Southend and then wandered down to the pier area - some of which is as it used to be and some of it completely different - the addition of a modern lift is certainly helpful. I remember as a child the amusement area near to the pier, which is still there, but the rides are a bit more dare-devil than they were in my day. The need to find a loo took us into the edge of the Adventure Island, which was when I saw one of my childhood's delight - the crooked house was still there!!!!

It now looks a lot smaller than I thought it was when I was a child.
We then enjoyed a good lunch, unaware that it had started to rain - when we came out of the restaurant it was pouring, so we caught a bus back and haven't ventured out again.
The forecast for tomorrow does look better - we are hopeful. At least the wind dropped last night.
TV was (sort of) put right - a little while ago the picture went again, but has returned - it is obviously temperamental.
LOL what a wonderful little house!!! How big is it Hazel???