I thought that with John coming home I'd be able to catch up with a bit of crafting, but it wasn't to be. Unfortunately, early on Saturday morning, while walking with his zimmer frame, John lost his balance and fell - he didn't hurt himself, but he couldn't get himself up and I couldn't either. So I had to call an ambulance and he's been in the local hospital since then - might be coming out later today, depending on blood results (to do with kidneys working poorly again).
Anyway, this is a crafting blog, so enough of that and on with the crafting - although there's been little of that here for some weeks now. My blog used to show regular crafting, but that has had to go by the board.
I needed to get my DLO done in Beth's lovely CJ 'Tranquil moments' so here is what I've managed to put together (a small confession that some of this was cannibalised from a LO I did a couple of years ago).
The 'does the song of the Sea end ...' and the waves and sun section are acetate, part of a sea collection I bought a long while ago (and am sorry that most of it is used up now, because I love it). The right hand background paper is from 'British beach', but I can't remember what the left hand one is. The picture beneath the 'does the song of the Sea end ...' is from a BA brochure.

This week's challenge 47 on
Rosiedee is 'beach' so I'm being cheeky and linking there (no chance of doing any other challenges atm)