
Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Wednesday's come around again with remarkable speed, so it's time for WOYWW 152 - if there's anyone left on the planet who doesn't know what I'm on about, please click on the link to Julia's wonderful blog and join in the fun.

Regular visitors to my blog will know that I have a passion for making Christmas cards, which includes having my own CHNC challenge blog - by the way, I'd love to see you join in if you can. At the moment I'm almost up to date with all other necessary crafting (just have one outstanding commission to do, but it's not needed yet), so on my workspace today I have my boxes of Christmas stuff - I've been making one or two more and intend to make some more today.

I took this photo by holding the camera high and taking pot luck. This is the area to the left of where I sit at my workdesk - no point in showing the right hand side today because there's only my cricut and ATG tape gun there.

If you haven't yet started making your Christmas cards, why not join me? It makes sense to avoid the panic later in the way - and can you believe that we're already into May?!

I managed to get round to quite a lot of WOYWWers last week, but if I didn't get to you, I apologise - I'll try to this week.


  1. I am working on Christmas submissions for the Cricut Magazine as we speak, I don't know how you can make them all year long! lol I've got such a short attention span as it is! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  2. I've only made Christmas cards one year and then I didn't send most of them out. My friends prefer altered art (ATCs, etc), to cards. But I can tell you are serious about your card making. Happy WOYWW from #4 this week.

  3. Lots of lovely Christmassy stash to have fun with Hazel on your desk, I especially love that red ribbon that I can see in your tin :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely week, Hugs, Karen xx #12

  4. I like to make Christmas Cards throughout the year too although I actually only had a little flurry of activity in January and a couple in Feb - not got back into the swing of it yet. If I get chance I will check out your link. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 29

  5. I cant believe you are into Christmas cards already, yes I understand getting a head start but I dont do this until after the end of financial year. Maybe around August.

    Great creative desk thanks for sharing.

    Eliza #19

  6. Hi there; I'm trying to get my visits in early today. Thanks for the peek into your creative place! I hope you have a blessed and creative week. I just can't quite get myself ready for Christmas yet even though I know I should!
    Neil @#5

  7. I certainly admire you for getting on with your Christmas cards, we will all regret doing the same when the time gets nearer! Lovely creative space you have there, with lots of Christmas goodies. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #44

  8. Busy on charity bags at the minute Hazel but I like the idea of your card group.
    Will pop back when I'm done.
    Lynn 53
    One I made earlier today

  9. Lots of fabulous Christmas crafty goodies, enjoy!! Have a good week, Hugs May x x x No32

  10. I'm so impressed that you find Christmas inspiration out of season Hazel; I know a lot of your challenge followers do too...I sure enjoy seeing what you's kind of like a note to self - get the stuff out and play occasionally!

  11. Hi Hazel, Great desk ,full of activity. I really should join you and make a start. Have a nice day. Hugs Rita xx

  12. Most of my Christmasy things are in a clear (so i can still see what's in there) really usefull box. I know I shouls make a start... but.... time... never enough!! In the middle of a field, on the dongle, so not much Internet time, whizzing round as fast as I can!
    Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) #47

  13. Christmas cards in May? Sounds perfect. I'll be joining you! Pleased to have found you, now a follower...#73

  14. Lots of yummy stuff on your desk Hazel. Christmas cards you make me feel so guilty promised myself I would be really good this year and make a few each month, I think I might have made five!

  15. wow hazel you are christmas stuff is squeezed into 3 huge boxes and put away...only to explode again at the end of november...lovely seeing your desk...maybe you convince me to take out some christmassy things??

  16. Hi Hazel, you are so smart to be making your Christmas cards early. I really should join you. #102

  17. h yes i am slowly making the odd xmas card too

  18. Love the desk but I just can't be drawn into making 'C' cards this early! I admire you tremendously though!!! Happy Wednesday!

  19. You are wise to get a head start on Christmas! It has a way of sneaking up on us. Beautiful stuff! Happy WOYWW!

  20. Love your desk!

    Happy WOYWW Wednesday!

    Hugs Marleen #25

  21. What a wonderful idea ! I shall make a Christmas collection soon I love Christmas all year long and it is smart to be prepared
    - KAT - #15

  22. i know it makes sense to start early, but i just can't get my head around reindeer, santa and snowmen...
    hope you have fun though :)

  23. I, too, just finished some necessary 'stuff'...but, am not allowed to tell what just yet....


  24. Hi Hazel...thanks for today's crafty snoop...well done you on making a start on the old Christmas cards...Happy WOYWW...hugs kath (59)

  25. I have not even started on Mothers day cards which is less than 2 weeks away and now you want me to make Christmas cards? You have to be kidding. I admire you for being so pro-active though.
    Happy WOYWW

  26. I just got all "Christmassy feeling" peeking at your desk!! It looks like you're having so much fun! I need to go check out your challenge blog too! I have a friend who is already working on her Christmas cards, so I'll make sure to send her over. She said she was working on Christmas cards the other day, so she had Christmas music playing in the background to get her in the mood!! I thought that was a great idea!!

    I also wanted to thank you for stopping by our Sticking Around blog hop last Saturday, and for the sweet comments you left!

    Amy E. #23

  27. It certainly looks as though Christmas is coming Hazel!
    Thanks for the snoop!

  28. Wow you are super organised....nope can't do Christmas cards this early...just can't!! (though slightly jealous of how organised you must be!)

    Thanks for visiting my desk

    kyla #42

  29. I generally don't make Christmas cards except for the kids teachers. We usually do photo cards :)
    But I bet you have some very creative ideas!! :)
    Mary Jo #117

  30. Love the fact you make your Christmas cards all year - I do that saves a mass rush in November and I have not brought any Christmas cards for years now - enjoy your crafting - Nicky 131

  31. I keep thinking that I should work on Christmas cards, you know, one here and there, but I can't get caught up on other things and I'd have to drag all the Christmas stuff out. It gets put away in a not so accessible place when card making season is over. I've run out of accessible places..! Maybe I should get out a few things and stash them and just concentrate on those. That was my brilliant thought of the moment. Love the Christmas stash on your desk, which is what made think of getting just a bit out.

  32. Some people here in Oz celebrate Christmas during the winter month of July, so you're timing is perfect.
    I've never made my own cards but if I manage to squeeze a little more time out of my day (or give up sleeping) then I think I'll give it a go.
    Your desk certainly looks geared up for the task in hand.
    Thanks for letting me take a peek ~ enjoy WOYWW Neesie #22

  33. Oh I always intend to get started on Christmas cards early, but never actually get round to it! Well done for being so organised!
    Bernice #138

  34. Wow - good for you! Making Christmas cards. You have lots of little bits there for inspiration! I must confess, I didn't even send out cards last year. Hmm, maybe this coming year I'll make a few special ones for my Aunts and Uncles.

    Thank you for visiting me earlier today.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #33

  35. Oh my...the procrastinator in me would never allow for planning that far ahead I'm's a nice thought though....Thanks for visiting me #130

  36. Ha, ha Hazel - I spied snippets on your desk :)) Happy WOYWW, Di xx

  37. oh I love looking at all these goodies!!!! makes me want to craft!!! wonderful to see your workspace Hazel!!!

  38. Lovely bright colours on your desk.

  39. Very smart getting started early!! Your goodies on your desk look wonderful!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Daniella #126

  40. so much fun to find out about the Christmas challenge Hazel, what a grand idea...hopefully you'll get an entry from me this week. Happy days!

    Sara #172

  41. What a fun desk....ribbons ... Have fun
    Jackie 54

  42. I am going to need to start my Christmas cards soon so think your challenge will kick start my mojo into action. Love the ribbons and can't wait to see your creations. Hugs Amanda #123

  43. I'm being organised and making mine throughout the year to avoid that panic! Still reckon I'll panic though, always do as have far to many ideas and not enough time to make them all! Take care & enjoy this WOYWW offerings! Zo xx 75

  44. The thought of Christmas scares me. I am one of the people who panics at the last minute. Time flies too quicly as it is. Your goodies look great.
    Have a wonderufl week.
    Von #3

  45. Hazel every year I say I'm going to start my Christmas cards early and every year I get later and later. I admire that you find the time to crack on with them.
    Thanks for sharing, hugs Erika.

  46. Lovely Christmassy goodies on your desk, I really need to make an effort this year and start earlier.... but we'll see how that goes :o) x April#85

  47. I need to start making some of mine too will check out the link. Thanks for commenting on my blog :) Sandy #109

  48. I'm quite new in WOYWW so I didn't know you love making Christmas Cards in advance! That makes sense as I am always late =( . Im even late visiting you! Have a great week =)


  49. Just comes in July here! It's gardening weather now and too pretty to be inside for anything but short spells! Love all your bits and pieces!
    Angie #113

  50. Hazel - Dont mention the 'C' word!!!!! You are very very organised indeed. Thanks for popping in to visit me. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 64

  51. Thanks for stopping by, great Chrimbo stash. I made mine in July last year, not quite got the urge just yet. BJ#18

  52. well i agree better to make a few at a time rather than be swamped in december,i make at least one a wk and have joined the docrafts xmas challenge to keep me on my toes,so well done you and thanks for popping by
    have a fab crafty week and
    happy woyww
    kay #38

  53. I love this birds eye view of your desk! I don't make my Christmas cards, but if I did, I would definitely be working on them already! :)

  54. I love anything Christmassy and I absolutely LOVE your red ribbon! For me Christmas starts after I've had my summer holidays! Thanks for popping by my work desk and hope you have a great week.

  55. Hazel I wish I would start my Christmas cards early. I have always handmade my Christmas cards before I had kids. I continued and this last year, I made them again but I said, this might be my last because the fun is out of it. I feel too stressed. Perhaps you will inspire me to start early and do a little at time so I don't feel like I did this past year. Thanks for sharing your desk.

    Thanks for taking a peek at my desk this week.

    Belinda (#131)

  56. Sounds like a good idea but it will take me till abot November to get round to Xmas card making I think!! Love all your Christmassy bits and bobs. x Jo

  57. I would join in your challenge, Hazel, but at the moment, I suspect I have almost enough Christmas cards for the next two years, and I am under pressure to do the birthday and anniversary cards for the year, so my Christmas box has gone away for a while. However, I might manage another one or two later on. I have enjoyed looking at all yours though, so varied and all lovely. Right, once the bread is out of the oven, I am off to tackle more inserts. Thank you for your visit and lovely comments. have a great week, and see you in the playground later. xx Maggie #93

  58. Great Desk....full of creativity!

  59. well done being so organized for Christmas, I will try to start mine when the kids go back to school in August after the summer break so will try to join you then!

  60. Thanks for visiting my workspace. Can I have your pots of pens?? I have been thinking about starting to make Xmas cards - but busy now with some swaps, so perhaps in a couple of weeks. Ali x #170

  61. Hello Hazel I think it's a good idea to make your Christmas cards early and I love making them anyway. However at the moment I am so busy that I am just about keeping up with the cards I need each month. Maybe soon I might get round to joining in with you. Your cards are beautiful. Thankyou for viiting me this week. Sorry I am so late. Anne x

  62. great looking desk. I love the Christmas colors and the warm fuzzy feelings I get when I work with the papers! That is one of the issues with my craft room as is is that I can't get at more then one season at a time cause there is no room to store it in the open. I have some decisions to make soon regarding what to do about my space. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog I enjoy reading them. Have a great week. Vickie #91

  63. Wow christmas already lol I can't face it yet, great desk though can see lots going on thanks for visiting my blog xx

  64. I thought i was seeing things for a minute there! but you are so right now really is the time to get going on Christmas cards. You look to have some lovely bits and bobs to get stuck into. I'll pop back and let you know when I've started x

  65. Oh don't remind me about Christmas cards! I started the year with a "promise" to myself that I would make 1 Christmas card a week, and if I missed a week I would make up for it the following week. I have lots of making up to do as I haven't made any yet! My intention is still there but I'm just trying to fit it in! Maybe I'll join in with your challenge soon so I can try to get caught up!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  66. Christmas cards... ACK!!!! I probably will in a few more weeks, but I'm just trying to get through Saturday first!!!!
    Have a great week!

  67. Love the goodies you have here. Hope you are having great weather. A week of storms here. Thanks for stopping by and have fun creating. I like to work ahead too, have a craft fair in the fall so Halloween and Christmas will be in my creative world soon.

  68. Love all the crafty goodies on your desk and the organised pens Hazel.
    Thanks for visiting me on WOYWW - I know I am late!!

    Hugs Ali x #162

  69. ohh what a lovely crafty pictures, have a good week.
    janer #43

  70. Making Christmas cards is May is really too much for someone who can't even send bought ones out in time for Christmas! Oh the shame....Good on you for getting started, though!
    Helen S #70

  71. Lots of lovely items on your desk - have lots of delicious crafty fun! ;)

    I'm a bit late doing my rounds this week....phew... glad it's Friday! Happy WOYWW Asia #52

    Ps. I’m celebrating my 2nd Blogaversary and have a sweet little candy for grabs ;-).

  72. A desk full of loveliness Hazel. And "C" card stuff too - wish I had your drive to get mine started - maybe....
    Sorry I am so late, life just got in the way - thanks for visiting me - Hugs, Neet xx #27

  73. The "C" word already?! I'll forgive you, though, 'cause your stash looks like creating some fab cards! Thanks for popping by my Pen Pot, have a fab week - Deb x

  74. You are so organized planning for Christmas already! I never end up making my cards because I always leave it for too late :(

    Have a great weekend!
    Katie #121

  75. You're very organised, I can't think about Christmas until after my birthday, which Is November so never leaves me much time!! Thanks for sharing and for visiting : ) Liz at 145 x

  76. You are so organized, starting Christmas Cards already. I can't bring myself to start mine until the end of summer. Enjoy! Linda #175

  77. What a lot of lovely bits and pieces there! I haven't finished scrapping last years Christmas yet! #57

  78. Thanks for paying me a visit Hazel, WOW Christmas cards, that is organised.I always think I will do mine through the year, but haven't managed it yet. I'm a bit of a last minute person (as you can tell from this late post) lol, though I will follow the link to your CHNC challenge blog maybe that will gee me up a bit.
    Lottie x

  79. Christmas cards, already? Sounds like a good idea, but I don't know if I'm quite up to the challenge, yet.

    Thanks for stopping by to see me last week & leaving me a lovely comment! I'm doing some catching up on my WOYWW posts...



Your comments are very much appreciated