I'm becoming addicted all over again - having had a break from WOYWW, I went back again a couple of weeks ago ... and, of course, I'm hooked again! Thank you, everyone, who visited me and left comments last week.
If you don't know what I'm talking about (is there anyone left in crafting blogland that doesn't know?) then click on the link for WOYWW 276 and find out what it's all about ... on one condition, that you show us your workspace too!
So, here we go - to the left of where I sit - a few piles that are waiting to be sorted/used, some cards that were made and blogged yesterday (in posts under this if you wish to have a peep, but I warn you that for two of them you need your sunglasses on - lol!). By the side of the blue box there's a pile of unmounted stamps waiting to be stored and behind the half mug of coffee (drinking as I type) is a pack of CD sleeves that have arrived this morning - just right for that size of stamp - I've already stored most, but needed additional sleeves - might show the finished job ... whenever that will be!

To the right of where I see there's my Scan n Cut and I have to confess that it hasn't been used since last Wednesday's WOYWW - and the lattice cuts are still waiting to be used - I've found some possible papers ... but still waiting for inspiration. You can see a pile of A6 cards - for ages now I've been making mainly square cards, but I have some charity sales coming up in October and some people like to buy the A6 cards because they're a bit cheaper, so I need to get on and use some of those. Do you like my pull out shelf with my box of goodies all to hand? This used to be my pen storage placed upright before I replaced it with the present storage that you can see in the photo above.

And in front of me - what the postman brought me this morning - three different packages - just like Christmas! The pack of CD sleeves to house my unmounted stamps, a metal adapter plate to use with my eBosser and some tattered lace dies and poinsetties from Hobbycraft (had a 15% off code, so it would have been rude not to have used it). Stephanie Weightman said on Create & Craft that she gives permission for her dies to be used to cut and scan with the Scan n Cut, so that's what I'm planning to do ... and then sell the dies, so watch out for some bargains once I've done that.
That's my coffee all gone, so now it's time to hit the Publish button and start to visit other blogs to see what's won the workdesk today. Hope you will join us.