Diana has tagged me:
1. If you could have £100 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose?
Definitely scrapbook papers, because they can be used for any papercrafting, whether it's LOs or cards.
2. If you had to choose between using only stamps or rubons, which would you choose?
Definitely stamps. I do use rub ons, but get frustrated with them because they don't all rub on as easily as they should - and sometimes it's not easy to get hold of the better ones. As for stamps, my collection is growing and growing and I love the fact that you can do so many different things with them.
3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards and layouts but could only do one for a whole year...which would you do?
That's a difficult one. A year or two ago, there would be no contest, because I only used to make cards. I still don't really consider myself to be a scrapper, but I enjoy what I do. However, I would have to opt for cards, because I enjoy making them, sending them and sell quite a few to raise money for charities.
4. Would you rather own a scrapbooking store or have your own scrapping room at home...(can't have both he he he)
I'm fortunate enough to have had our spare room fitted out for me to have a place to craft, especially as we are only in a small two-bedroomed maisonette. I'd have to say scrapping room (and selfishly I wouldn't mind it being a lot bigger than what I've got already). I haven't got the health and strength to contemplate a scrapbooking store.
5. And last but not least, what is your CURRENT cardmaking or scrapping style.
I think this is a very difficult question to answer. I tend to do all sorts of styles (partly because I know that people have different tastes) and partly because I know I'd get bored if I stuck to one sort of style. Having said that, I think recently I've done a lot more stamping than I used to, and I love using alcohol inks and experimenting.
Thanks, Diana, for an interesting tag.
I'm tagging in return:
Janice (farmersgirl)
Joanne (angelnorth)
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Bumbleberries CJ
I needed to do my DLO on Jackie's super CJ that is being passed around the group on Bumbleberries. The subject is 'what makes me smile' - and, while there are plenty of people and things in life that do make me smile, we are going through sad times that make it quite difficult at the moment.
But there's nothing like a bit of crafting to 'take you out of yourself' and so I've got on with this this morning and this is the result:

But there's nothing like a bit of crafting to 'take you out of yourself' and so I've got on with this this morning and this is the result:

HS:MS drawer
'Hve you a favourite drawer - be it messy or tidy? I have lots of the two! So show us'
This was an easy one today. This drawer is my favourite (and the tidiest) in the room where I craft. The room was specially fitted out a couple of months ago and (theoretically) there is a place for everything.

I keep thinking I should take some pictures of my newly fitted room, but it hasn't yet been decorated - hopefully very soon - so think I might wait till then.
This was an easy one today. This drawer is my favourite (and the tidiest) in the room where I craft. The room was specially fitted out a couple of months ago and (theoretically) there is a place for everything.

I keep thinking I should take some pictures of my newly fitted room, but it hasn't yet been decorated - hopefully very soon - so think I might wait till then.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Scrap a little sunshine
At the beginning of July, Ellen on Crafts by Carolyn told us about the need for people to make mini scrapbooks for for children with cancer in which they can stick photographs and little notes from family and friends. (more info here: http://scrapalittlesunshine.blogspot.com/)
I've been meaning to make something and in fact started a concertina book a couple of weeks ago and didn't get it finished.
I have to admit that atm I don't really feel like crafting, but thought it would be good today to try and concentrate on doing something for this project.
The idea is to make mini books that the children themselves add their photos and bits of interest, so they are not meant to be finished.
Apparently, there is more need now for books for boys, so the ones I've made are suitable for older boys:

I just hope they're suitable. The concertina one was made sticking a few cards together, so that the middle three have pockets (hence the stickers and tags sticking out).
I've been meaning to make something and in fact started a concertina book a couple of weeks ago and didn't get it finished.
I have to admit that atm I don't really feel like crafting, but thought it would be good today to try and concentrate on doing something for this project.
The idea is to make mini books that the children themselves add their photos and bits of interest, so they are not meant to be finished.
Apparently, there is more need now for books for boys, so the ones I've made are suitable for older boys:

I just hope they're suitable. The concertina one was made sticking a few cards together, so that the middle three have pockets (hence the stickers and tags sticking out).
HS:MS bedroom
'Do you have a fave spot or piece of furniture in your bedroom? Show us what you got!
This isn't anything to do with furniture, but it is a little jewellery box (of little value, except sentimental) that was my grandmother's - and for that reason it is very precious and usually is found on my bedroom windowsill:
This isn't anything to do with furniture, but it is a little jewellery box (of little value, except sentimental) that was my grandmother's - and for that reason it is very precious and usually is found on my bedroom windowsill:

Monday, 29 October 2007
HS:MS window
'Choose your favourite window in your house. Show the whole window, the curtains and window decoration.'
I'm a bit embarrassed atm to photo any of my windows. We desparately need decorating (someone's booked to start sooooon - oh the joys that will bring!!) and therefore our curtains are looking worse for wear because there's no point in replacing till the decorating's been done. And the net curtains need washing (but again ... not until the decorating).
In the end I've chosen this window in our lounge because it looks out on to the world (you can just see the main road beyond the green - a reason we need to have nets even though I don't like them - tried without for a while and felt we were living in a goldfish bowl, particularly as there is a bus stop opposite). And my other reason for choosing this window is that it's one of Josey's favourite places - she can easily nose when the postie or milkman is on his way.
I'm a bit embarrassed atm to photo any of my windows. We desparately need decorating (someone's booked to start sooooon - oh the joys that will bring!!) and therefore our curtains are looking worse for wear because there's no point in replacing till the decorating's been done. And the net curtains need washing (but again ... not until the decorating).
In the end I've chosen this window in our lounge because it looks out on to the world (you can just see the main road beyond the green - a reason we need to have nets even though I don't like them - tried without for a while and felt we were living in a goldfish bowl, particularly as there is a bus stop opposite). And my other reason for choosing this window is that it's one of Josey's favourite places - she can easily nose when the postie or milkman is on his way.

Sunday, 28 October 2007
HS:MS SPS 10 and SOS 10
Yesterday was HS:MS SPS day (again!): 'Lets see how gorgeous you are this week, my freinds'
Well, this is a cheat because I didn't take a photo yesterday (just didn't feel up to it for various reasons).
Today we've been out to lunch. It would have been dad's birthday tomorrow and so the plan was to go to the local Beefeater with mum, but, unfortunately, she just wasn't well enough to join us. In many ways we didn't feel like going, but in the end we did have a good meal and were glad that we went.
Here's a picture John took of me (which I've 'played around' with different effects):

And here he is:

And Josey behaving herself under the table (guide dogs should be neither seen nor heard!):

And lastly the half-eaten dessert that I shouldn't have had:
Well, this is a cheat because I didn't take a photo yesterday (just didn't feel up to it for various reasons).
Today we've been out to lunch. It would have been dad's birthday tomorrow and so the plan was to go to the local Beefeater with mum, but, unfortunately, she just wasn't well enough to join us. In many ways we didn't feel like going, but in the end we did have a good meal and were glad that we went.
Here's a picture John took of me (which I've 'played around' with different effects):

And here he is:

And Josey behaving herself under the table (guide dogs should be neither seen nor heard!):

And lastly the half-eaten dessert that I shouldn't have had:

Friday, 26 October 2007
HS:MS favourite spots: bathroom
'Often a room used for convenience but have you a pretty little corner in your bathroom or something that you like about it? Show me a sneak of your bathroom.'
This is a penguin that I've had for years - it lived in the bathroom of the first flat I bought and has moved a few times since. Quite some time ago, the tip of its beak got chipped, but I like him so much that I've kept him just as he is:

Thank you for all your kind comments, not just today, but generally. I'm feeling a bit despondent about my crafting at the moment, although I've been doing a lot of it.
Just having a break and then must continue with sorting out ready for this evening.
This is a penguin that I've had for years - it lived in the bathroom of the first flat I bought and has moved a few times since. Quite some time ago, the tip of its beak got chipped, but I like him so much that I've kept him just as he is:

Thank you for all your kind comments, not just today, but generally. I'm feeling a bit despondent about my crafting at the moment, although I've been doing a lot of it.
Just having a break and then must continue with sorting out ready for this evening.
Today's tasks
This evening my cards are being sold (hopefully!) at our church's women's evening fellowship, so today I need to make sure everything is labelled properly etc - also want to put the finishing touches to putting together a few more packs of Christmas cards - the robo was beavering away yesterday with silhouettes of Mary and Joseph! I probably won't be able to show anything here today (we'll see how time goes, but it always seems to run out!).
This week I haven't been able to get round to other people's blogs as much as I like to, partly because of the ongoing back pain and trying to get things done for this evening, as well as a few other things, like John's hospital visits (routine). We're also experiencing sad times as a family.
This week I haven't been able to get round to other people's blogs as much as I like to, partly because of the ongoing back pain and trying to get things done for this evening, as well as a few other things, like John's hospital visits (routine). We're also experiencing sad times as a family.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Salt: Jesus is Lord
Today a new Salt challenge is launched. Kimberly chose the subject this time - she wrote:
'A big thanks to those of you who are reading and creating along with us!
This week's theme is
Originally I had the idea of scrapping photos of my baptism (I was baptised in the sea), but I couldn't find what I wanted and wasted time (and John's energy in getting boxes out of cupboards), and in the end changed course completely and ended up with this, which I wasn't really happy with:
'A big thanks to those of you who are reading and creating along with us!
This week's theme is
I (Kimberly) chose this because this is the start of our journey with God, acknowledging Jesus as our Lord and becoming born again! The wonderful thing is that it is so easy to join God's kingdom!
If you confess with your mouth, JESUS IS LORD and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with the heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with the mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9-10
Please take a look at Salt
I (Kimberly) chose this because this is the start of our journey with God, acknowledging Jesus as our Lord and becoming born again! The wonderful thing is that it is so easy to join God's kingdom!
If you confess with your mouth, JESUS IS LORD and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with the heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with the mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9-10
Please take a look at Salt
Originally I had the idea of scrapping photos of my baptism (I was baptised in the sea), but I couldn't find what I wanted and wasted time (and John's energy in getting boxes out of cupboards), and in the end changed course completely and ended up with this, which I wasn't really happy with:

HS:MS favourite spots: hallway
'What hidden treasure or favourite spot do you just LOVE about your hallway?'
When you enter our maisonette there is just a tiny inner porch off which lead doors to the lounge, the kitchen and an all-purpose cupboard, so no real hallway there. But in the centre of the maisonette there is an inner hallway, which leads to all the rooms. It's quite a sizeable square and houses a cupboard where we keep our crockery. On top of the cupboard is our phone, the machine for carelink and a photo of our wedding. This is what I've chosen:

It's such a dull day and with it being an inner hallway the light is always worse here than anywhere else, although there is a glass partition. There was no alternative but to use the flash and it was difficult to take without reflection on the glass of the photo, but in the end I've managed it with just a glint on the edge of the frame.
When you enter our maisonette there is just a tiny inner porch off which lead doors to the lounge, the kitchen and an all-purpose cupboard, so no real hallway there. But in the centre of the maisonette there is an inner hallway, which leads to all the rooms. It's quite a sizeable square and houses a cupboard where we keep our crockery. On top of the cupboard is our phone, the machine for carelink and a photo of our wedding. This is what I've chosen:

It's such a dull day and with it being an inner hallway the light is always worse here than anywhere else, although there is a glass partition. There was no alternative but to use the flash and it was difficult to take without reflection on the glass of the photo, but in the end I've managed it with just a glint on the edge of the frame.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
HS:MS favourite spots: lounge
'This next week will see us finding those little spots around our home that we just love. It might be a corner of a cabinet or it might be a little trinket in a certain room. Today I would like you all to find your favourite spot/piece in your lounge.'
It's very difficult to choose a favourite spot in our lounge - it could be my armchair, various family photos that bring back memories and are a constant reminder of those very dear and precious to us, ornaments and knick-knacks that have been kept for sentimental reasons.
In the end I chose this Lladro porcelain figurine that was given to me by my colleagues when I retired (early) from teaching:
It's very difficult to choose a favourite spot in our lounge - it could be my armchair, various family photos that bring back memories and are a constant reminder of those very dear and precious to us, ornaments and knick-knacks that have been kept for sentimental reasons.
In the end I chose this Lladro porcelain figurine that was given to me by my colleagues when I retired (early) from teaching:

Tuesday, 23 October 2007
JB Friday night challenge 19 October
JB big challenge 6
JB big challenge 6: tagged!: 'Ok a Nice Simple Challenge for you all
I guess we all need to make tags for all those Christmas Presents?
So I am challenging you to make 3 Tags to start with - And if you would like to get a bit more organised and make more ........ well you can do this challenge up to 3 times for a point a go.'
Here are my three goes:

I guess we all need to make tags for all those Christmas Presents?
So I am challenging you to make 3 Tags to start with - And if you would like to get a bit more organised and make more ........ well you can do this challenge up to 3 times for a point a go.'
Here are my three goes:

JB challenge 12
JB big challenge 12: 'This challenge is all about getting down to earth.
I would like you to make something but in the colours of the land or sea or both.'
I'm not sure whether this fits the bill or not for this challenge, but I made a couple of quick seaside cards - I can't see them being used though till next summer!

I would like you to make something but in the colours of the land or sea or both.'
I'm not sure whether this fits the bill or not for this challenge, but I made a couple of quick seaside cards - I can't see them being used though till next summer!

JB big challenge 4
JB big challenge 8
JB big challenge 13
JB big challenge 2
JB challenge 2: hang it on the tree: 'Your challenge is to make a Christmas decoration to hang on the tree . Your decoration can be made however you like, as long as it hangs, and is small enough to go on the tree.'
This is my response to Nicky's challenge:

Very simply, three trees folded and stuck together to form a 3D tree, decorated with Poundland bling!
This is my response to Nicky's challenge:

Very simply, three trees folded and stuck together to form a 3D tree, decorated with Poundland bling!
JB big challenge 15
JB big challenge 15: pink guy: 'Your challenge should you chose to accept it is to create a layout that features a man and the colour pink...honestly not as hard as it sounds...for all those non scrappers you need to make a male card that has a splash of pink on it.'
The photo on this hasn't come out very well (is OK in the original) - John's tie really is pink:
The photo on this hasn't come out very well (is OK in the original) - John's tie really is pink:

JB big challenge 9
JB big challenge 9: crafty storage: 'Ok so a "Tart" challenge for you all
Your challenge is to alter something for your craft room to make pretty storage.
So any container, pot, jar etc that you already have - we want to see it looking pretty. Please share before and after photos.'
I started off with a tin that had Clarins 'give-away' cosmetics in it:

I used a blend of stonewashed, wild plum and stream alcohol inks on the lid and covered the sides with one of the DCWV pocket full of posies paper, added blooms and navy gingham ribbon and a 'cottons' sign:

Your challenge is to alter something for your craft room to make pretty storage.
So any container, pot, jar etc that you already have - we want to see it looking pretty. Please share before and after photos.'
I started off with a tin that had Clarins 'give-away' cosmetics in it:

I used a blend of stonewashed, wild plum and stream alcohol inks on the lid and covered the sides with one of the DCWV pocket full of posies paper, added blooms and navy gingham ribbon and a 'cottons' sign:

JB big challenge 14
HS:MS indigo and pink (or purple!)
Yesterday's HS:MS: 'Our penultimate colour for the rainbow theme is Indigo. Give me your Indigo.'
I don't really know whether you'd call this indigo, but I think it's the nearest I've got. Awful photos (taken quickly, with my reflection - didn't manage to get anything done yesterday, so have done these today speedily):

and this is taken from the top:

Today: 'Not essentially last in the rainbow (like Violet is) but its a shade of Indigo and that would be just too boring. I know you can find us some pink.'
I wasn't sure until I switched on whether we were going for violet, purple or pink, so here is a bit of variety - some of my 'really useful boxes':

And lastly, here are some pink socks I bought this morning at the chemist while I waited for my prescription to be done:
I don't really know whether you'd call this indigo, but I think it's the nearest I've got. Awful photos (taken quickly, with my reflection - didn't manage to get anything done yesterday, so have done these today speedily):

and this is taken from the top:

Today: 'Not essentially last in the rainbow (like Violet is) but its a shade of Indigo and that would be just too boring. I know you can find us some pink.'
I wasn't sure until I switched on whether we were going for violet, purple or pink, so here is a bit of variety - some of my 'really useful boxes':

And lastly, here are some pink socks I bought this morning at the chemist while I waited for my prescription to be done:

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